Sunday, 21 September 2014

Baby Tales: Week 23

According to an app. that I have, baby is currently about the size of a pomegranate. How cute! :D The app would give me updates every week, and some of the fruits they chose to represent the baby was really cute (say, banana!)

So, what's up at the 23rd week? :)

It's a BOY! We found out about the gender during our detailed scan on 3rd Sept. =)

My bump is finally big / obvious enough for people to recognise that I am actually pregnant. For the very first time, a lady gave up the reserved seat to me and I'm very grateful for that! :) Before pregnancy, I didn't think that women in their early pregnancy would need a seat that much since their bumps would still be rather small. However, now that I'm pregnant, I would say it's not only the bump that would make us feel tired, but generally, tiredness sinks in easily throughout the day and for whatever reason, the legs don't take to our weight that well anymore. I remembered there were a few occasions during my T1 when I would just plonk myself onto a seat on the train and be knocked out completely as I was feeling really exhausted.

I must say my appetite has returned to normal. Or should I say, it's back with a vengeance! I eat normally during meals and I can't stomach extras, but not long after my meals, I would be wanting to eat other stuff like cereal with milk, fruits and chocolates. I think it's these snacking tendencies that are contributing to my weight gain. Craving wise, I still do not crave for any food that's sour in nature. I still very much favour sweet or salty food stuff - one of my favourites is a mini Snickers bar! <3 I'm still very much I love with fruits and I could finish half a pomelo on my own. Apples (Esp. New Zealand Apples) are my favourite! Crunchy, sweet and fragrant, they are also a big help in regulating my bowels!

My pre-pregnancy weight was around 63.8kg and I went down to the 61kg range during my T1. Currently, I'm back to the 63kg range but it's still fluctuating.

So far, I've only suffered one incident of leg cramps in the middle of the night. It JOLTED me right from my sleep but funnily, I went back to bed easily right after that. Hubby was overseas during that particular night, hence there wasn't anyone else to whine to when it happened. :p

I also suffer from haemorrhoids. It's terrible. And they come to be pretty fast - like if I don't eat fruits for a day or two? The initial few incidents were mild but the last one I had was so bad that the amount of blood present was like I was having my period. It was scary. For me, these were individual incidences and the bleeding stopped once I've done my big business in the toilet and I have realised that higher fibre and water intake do help me to reduce / prevent such occurrences again. If you do suffer from haemorrhoids or find blood in your stools during pregnancy and if you are worried about it, I would say it's best that you consult a doctor, just to set your mind at ease.

I've since bought a few maternity dresses and home wear. I'm careful to not spend too much on them as I am unlikely to use them again at least till the next pregnancy. So far, I like the maternity dresses from ASOS and they are what I would wear even after I've given birth. I'm trying not to dress too casually or look too frumpy but sometimes, comfort is still my priority. I've since been wearing Crocs sandals in a regular basis. :D

I could feel flutters at my tummy/ womb area since week 18. Initial few experiences were very subtle but I was very sure those were it! :D The movements have been getting stronger and hubby managed to feel it for the first time on 14th Sept. =) Baby seems to have a routine and I would know when he is likely to be awake. He seems to be able to recognise my voice and call my crazy, I have a feeling that he recognises some words! Well, I'm not sure.... but this is why.... I often speak to him using the same words and able the same things and he would respond very quickly when I'm addressing him directly. Say for example, I would say, "Baby YY, are you awake?" and his response would almost always come within 5 seconds or so. Sometimes, it's so awkward to be caught talking to your baby by others, and sometimes, I find that I don't have really much to say. What do you usually talk about with you baby?

Okay! We are heading out in a few moments, so I shall sign off for now! =)

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