Saturday, 20 September 2014

Baby Tales: 1st Trimester

I have been wanting to update the blog on my pregnancy but was always too lazy to do so until now. Guess you could gauge my level of procrastination as I'm currently already in my 2nd trimester. :D

The hubby and I discussed about it and we decided to let pregnancy take its own course and embrace it when it comes our way. Frankly speaking, I was hoping that a baby would come our way soon and I'm thankful that God has blessed us with one. =)


So, how was Trimester One for me? I took it easy, actually. Looking back, perhaps, I should have been more cautious. I had a change of work environment and there's no longer a lift in the building. I have to be very mobile during my work and hence, have been climbing up and down very frequently. Perhaps, this is good exercise for me! :D

I avoided raw meat as much as possible. Hubby brought us out for a celebration during my early pregnancy and he reluctantly fed me a slice of sashimi after seeing my pitiful face longing for them. I also had some medium-rare steak with blood oozing out during one of the meals, but that's about it. I've since made a point to avoid them totally. I was craving for sashimi so badly one day that I was contemplating smoked salmon as an alternative. But that was also a no-go since there are mixed info. on whether it's safe for pregnant ladies. *Sigh* Well, anything for my baby. ;)

I haven't been able to avoid drinking cold beverages. As much as my family and relatives have been nagging at me, it's something that I enjoy and it kind of helped me to feel better when I had morning sickness. I was told that having too much cold stuff would result in the baby having poor health, hence I've tried to cut down on it recently. I also reduced on my caffeine intake, limiting myself to cup of tea a day and perhaps an occasional Coke. However, coffee is still decaf-ed for me. I've been turning to caffeine-free alternatives like chamomile to warm my stomach.

During the first trimester, I didn't have it easy. My appetite was poor and I couldn't eat well. Mornings were the best as I could eat more and with better appetite, hence the hubby insisted that I feed myself more in the mornings. In the afternoons, I would often feel the gas creeping in and I wouldn't be able to have a full meal, but it's still better than nothing. Rather than morning sickness, I would say mine's a case of evening sickness. Whenever evening kicked in at around 5, my stomach would be filled with gas and eating was excruciating. I burped very frequently and I took forever to finish my meals. Force feeding would likely result in vomiting but I'm glad that never happened. The nauseating feeling was so bad that I resorted to wearing seasick band to ward off the evening sickness. I will talk about them in another post! =)

I didn't really have many cravings as my appetite was poor most of the time, but the rare ones which I could remember were durians, crabs and potato chips! :D The cravings were quite manageable as it wasn't like I NEEDED to eat them. If we couldn't get them, I could move on with life and sleep as normal. HEHE! But surprisingly, I started to eat more vegetables and fruits and actually LIKE them. So, because of the evening sickness and the loss of appetite, I lost a few kilograms in my first trimester and I have yet to gain them back until now. But it's okay, I believe with my current eating habits, it's only a matter of time! :p

I could fit into all my normal clothings in Trimester One, but the leggings got a little tight nearing the end of T1. My baby bump was close to non-existent and I thought I looked more fat than pregnant as it was just like I had a fuller meal, that's all. :D

I was pretty much my normal self with no changing moods or extreme mood swings. I was pretty cheerful throughout and I think it's a very good thing! :D If I must, the times when I would feel grumpy or moody were probably during meal times. :p

I had pretty bad breakouts during the first trimester. It could be because I did not go for any facial treatment since my wedding (In March) but really, it was really bad. I felt like my face was full of clogged pores and white heads. EEEK!

Alright! That's all for the post on my Trimester One. Let's hope I'll find more energy to continue with updates on Trimester 2! :)

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