Saturday, 28 February 2015

The two firsts.

Yesterday (27th Feb) was the first time I brought Ethan out to a mall on my own! We went to meet my colleagues for lunch at the nearby mall and man, did it take much planning for the whole day just to make sure that I would be on time for the appointment. Haha!

It was slightly stressful, ensuring that the little one got his feed and nap so that he wouldn't fret during the lunch date and I'm glad it all worked out well! My colleagues had a good time playing with Ethan and seeing how Clara took wefie with my boy reminded me that I rarely have photos taken with Ethan! How can!!!? Haha his precious moments without me in the picture??? Hahaha...

Achievement on bringing kid to the mall alone checked! Next achievement would be to take lots a wefie with the little boy.

The hubby and I had the opportunity to catch the Chingay 2015 live and we made the decision to watch the parade together as we know we won't get to have much time together, much less date time, with baby Ethan around. So after lunch with my colleagues, I went home and it was another round of big plans waiting to be executed. I was pretty worried that he would be hungry fast so I gave my mum an extra bottle of milk. The last thing I wanted was for my mum to call me because of a wailing hungry baby.

We had fun at the parade. It's our first time out on our own without the little boy and it's a good time off for us both. Of course, the anxious mummy in me couldn't help but dropped my mum a few messages asking about the boy.

Here's our little one sleeping soundly at my mum's:

The hubby and I tend to want to retreat I to our own little world whenever we have a little free time when Ethan is sleeping. Both of us would be on our phones or iPad or we would be doing our housework and attending to other commitments. While I think it's not exactly good for our relationship if this continues for a long time, I think it's a necessary stage where we get used to the new routine and added responsibilities as new parents. I think it's important that we have some 'me' time away from everything and just cater to our own needs. Our first date without Ethan is a good big step into tuning back into couple-time so I'm absolutely looking forward to our next date together. AND IT'S COMING SOON! :)

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