Saturday, 26 April 2014

Unity Candles

We did quite a lot of Doing-It-Ourselves (DIO) for our wedding and I must say doing many things ourselves, while stressful, has brought us closer as a couple.

We initially did not set out to make our own unity candles but a quick search online didn't yield very encouraging findings. The unity candles available online were either beyond our budget or we were not keen about the designs. What more, we were also not prepared to pay extra for shipping from overseas. Faced with so many "NOs" within our hearts, we knew that DIO was the way to go.

With the long list of things to settle, the unity candles were not on the top of my priority list. The hubby asked me a few times and (I've no idea where I got the courage from) I merely told him that I knew what to do (even when I didn't!! :p).

We finally decided to make a trip to IKEA to take a look at the candles. Seriously, walking down the rows of selection strengthened my determination to do up our unity candles ourselves. Plain white candles, like the chunkier round ones, only cost around $3 - 4 dollars each for the one we chose. The bill came up to less than SGD$15 for all the candles we bought, together with 3 candle holders. =)

I wanted our unity candles to be simple and sweet but I had no idea how I wanted it to be specifically, hence we went to Daiso and walked around to look for possible decorative items to buy. We did buy stuff which we did not manage to use, but thank goodness it was only one item and we could use it for other decorations.

So... after a day's worth of effort, here's what we came up with! =)

Ta Dah! Here's the final product. =)
Our set of affordable, simple and sweet unity candles. =)

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