Friday, 29 May 2015
4 months: Eating his med/supplement
4 Months: Learning to hug my bolsters
4 months: Toys are real yummy
4 months: Happiness can be simple
4 months: Found TV and loving it!
We introduced him to Baby TV some time back and he seems to like moving graphics a lot. So much so that if I'm in an urgent need to do something, putting him in front of the TV would be a good bet. What more, he gets distracted by sounds and the TV very easily. If he were to catch sight of the TV, he would stop drinking his milk and turn his head in an attempt to face the TV (shown in pic).
I'm trying to limit his TV time, say I would only let him have it when I need a little time to prepare myself for going out or when I need a little time to regain my sanity. All is fine so far and I'm hoping that he won't get increasingly fond of the big black box!!
4 months: Put your feet together!
Saw Ethan doing this for the first time today. His usual habit is to lift his legs up in the air and he still does, but I also noticed that he was putting this feet together, toes to toes. How cute! :)
Monday, 25 May 2015
When a baby is in our lives... ...
The past few days have been tiring for our family.
Awesome news is my sis in law gave birth to a lovely baby girl... my first niece. The first baby who would be calling me gugu. ♡ Already loving her so much... already finding myself smiling at her lovely face in the photograph.
A newborn is always a worry on his/her parents' minds. Is my baby healthy? Why does my baby cry so much? Is my baby getting enough milk? How's my baby's jaundice level like? And the list goes on. I personally feel that the first month is always very tough - having to deal with worries about the baby, coping with him/her while trying to get enough rest and recover. And of course, if there's hired help in the form of a confinement nanny, manage the helper as well.
And above all this, stay afloat and support each other through the journey of parenthood. Emotions can run wild and I know how freaking crazy it can get! Omg. I was one happy mama all the way until week 2 into confinement when I would cry very easily and for a long time. Wah scared my mum and hubby, man! Haha!
So I hope that my Bro and sis-in-law could settle down and get used to their new routines and also be able to enjoy their newborn. :)
For my side, Ethan was down with a cold. Felt so bad because he was out and about for bulk of the week and it could have been a mixture of over exposure + exhaustion + never wear enough clothes. :(
Feel so bad that I didn't take care of him well enough and it hurts to see him struggle to breath through his stuffy nose. Lesson learnt!
So because of his cold, he couldn't eat or rest well so he was a lil more fussy and cranky than usual. He woke up more during the nights and needed more attention in the day so I didn't really get to rest sufficiently. But really, I've never found myself so OKAY with such situations except for when I've become a mother. ♡
So let's just look fwd to a better week ahead. Life goes on and it will only get better! :)
Sunday, 10 May 2015
3 Months: My pair of little hands
At 15 weeks old, Ethan can hold onto round things pretty well!
We gave him a plastic ball on Friday, expecting it to slip out of his hand but to our surprise, he held on to it pretty well! :)
He can now reach out to grab the dangling toys from his gym and hold it with two hands. He also loves to study his hands and fingers and put them together near his chest.
Most of all, he has learnt to appreciate his fist pretty well, often choosing to have a private feast on his own. Haha.
Hungry... put into his mouth.
Sleepy... put into his mouth.
Bored... put into his mouth.
Selfie... put into his mouth.
Wednesday, 6 May 2015
3 Months: Of cloth, blankie and saliva
Ethan has a special liking for pieces of cloth. The cloth can keep him entertained for long and can also help to keep him calm, letting him feel secured in his sleep. So after observing how he would play with the cloth which we used to cover him, I went to mothercare and bought him a security blanket. It's now his favourite and he hugs it to sleep every day. :)
Gradually, apart from hugging blankie, he has also started to put it into his mouth. Yum! Yum! Lol. And at times when he does not have the blankie with him, his fingers would play substitute.
I supposw you can guess there's quite a bit of saliva coming out from his mouth these days. I suspect it's the start of teeth and I certainly hope he won't try to bite me! Hehe!